Airlie Landale
2017 Finalist
Airlie has extensive experience across the areas of finance, strategy, innovation, technology and digital, risk management, business development, and marketing.
Airlie is a farm owner in the Murray region, is a non-Executive Director of Rural Aid and Murray Local Land Services, and previously held positions with Paraway Pastoral Company and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Airlie has been acknowledged as a young rural leader, scholar and innovator on several occasions due to the work she has done on a national stage after founding Farm Table, an agricultural knowledge-exchange platform.
Airlie has formal qualifications in Commerce, Agricultural and Resource Economics. She has been named a “Tomorrow Maker” by the AMP Foundation, a RAS NSW Rural Young Achiever and Woolworths Agribusiness Scholar.
"I encourage all young agri-leaders to consider applying for the Zanda McDonald Award. The legacy of the award itself, the incredible leader that Zanda McDonald was, as well as the pre-eminence and talent amongst the mentoring group, makes it an incredible opportunity"